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How to Know When It’s Time for Another Eye Exam

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When was the last time you had a comprehensive eye exam? If you can’t remember, or if it’s been over a year, it’s time for a check-up. Regular eye exams are vital for updating your prescriptions but also maintaining overall eye health. At Ridgefield Family Eye Care, we recommend annual exams to help detect potential issues early and keep your vision sharp.

4 Signs That Indicate You Need an Eye Exam

Here are a few key signs that it’s time to schedule your next comprehensive eye exam.

1. Blurry or Distorted Vision

If you have noticed that objects appear blurry or distorted, or if you are having trouble focusing, it’s time to get your eyes checked. Blurry vision could be due to a change in your prescription, or it could be an early sign of more serious issues like cataracts or macular degeneration. During a comprehensive eye exam our team can analyze the cause of your blurred vision and develop a treatment plan from there.

2. Frequent Headaches or Eye Strain

If you have noticed an onset of headaches after activities like reading or prolonged screen time, it could be an indication of vision change which causes your eyes to strain. Eye strain and discomfort can also result from outdated prescriptions or digital eye strain. Our team is trained to determine the causes of various ocular issues, and an eye exam is the first step of this process.

3. Difficulty Seeing at Night

If you have noticed that night driving has become more challenging, it could be due to vision changes or early signs of cataracts. Difficulty seeing in low light can be a sign that your eyes need attention. Schedule an eye exam to ensure your night vision is safe and clear.

4. It’s Been Over a Year Since Your Last Exam

Even if your vision seems fine, it’s essential to have regular eye exams. Many eye conditions, like glaucoma (also known as the “silent thief of sight”) and diabetic retinopathy, develop without noticeable symptoms. At Ridgefield Family Eye Care, we recommend yearly check-ups to monitor your eye health and catch any problems early.

Safeguard Your Vision and Physical Health

Don’t wait until your vision worsens or you experience discomfort. Regular comprehensive eye exams at Ridgefield Family Eye Care can help maintain your vision and detect early signs of eye diseases. If you are experiencing any of these signs, or if it’s been over a year since your last check-up, schedule an appointment to ensure your eyes stay healthy for the long term.


Kick off the New Year with 50% off additional pairs of eyewear* and ask us about the Eye Health Wellness Assessment, where you can get proactive health insights in 5 minutes! See the new year more clearly. *Ask associate for details. Some exclusions apply.